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Grupo La Casa Mutante

Público·41 miembros

Demolition Company Hamburg Mod

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the vehicles in demolition company can be in five different states: in operation, demolition, hit, wrecked and stationary. in operation the vehicle operates as normal, but when demolition, hit, or wrecking the vehicle is damaged.

1.2.2 - new "mod shell" to provide enhancements to the gameplay. the "mod shell" is a separate folder in your installation directory. in this mod the game statistics are stored in a file named "statshell" in the main folder.

please note, keygenhacks do not host any of the files, they just host links to the file sharing sites that do. the files can be found on multiple sites, so, while we cannot host the files directly ourselves, we can help you find the files that you want to download.

it is a bit hard to decide, so it's not! it's a simulation game where you can become a demolition expert and get a real job, but there's also plenty to do if you're that kind of person, such as demolishing buildings, avoiding explosions, doing somersaults and your favorite demolition trick.

i was there at the start! i played demolition company in its early days. i have to admit that it wasn't really very good back then, but i made it better! i made it better for this game, i made it better for this community, and better for you! in fact, for you, the quality of the demo isn't the issue. it's about the quantity.

realize that a game and the demo are two different things. i am aware that the demo does not contain all of the features and the gameplay is not 100%, but i believe it's very playable in its current state and contains the most important features. with that being said i would love to hear your feedback. thank you for visiting . 3d9ccd7d82

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